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Naturopathic Support

What is Naturopathy? 

Naturopathy is all about taking a holistic approach to your health. We focus on preventing problems before they happen, as well as supporting your bodys natural ability to heal itself. As part of my treatments, I like to use things like herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle advice to help you feel your best.

Initial consultation

During an initial naturopathic consultation, we will spend time taking a detailed medical history, including information about your current health concerns, past medical history, family history, and lifestyle factors. Based on this information, we will work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan that may include dietary and lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, and other natural therapies. Further testing may also be recommended. 

Follow Up consultations

During a follow-up naturopathic consultation, we will review your progress since your last visit, and discuss any test results that have been ordered. Based on this information, we may further adjust your treatment plan to help you achieve your health goals.

Functional testing

Functional health testing is a comprehensive approach to identifying underlying health issues that may not be detected through traditional medical tests. This can provide valuable insights into the root causes of chronic health conditions which can help us to tailor a more effective treatment plan. 

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