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Image by Denise Chan

Vibrational Remedies

What are Vibrational Remedies? 

Vibrational remedies are natural healing tools that work on the subtle energy system of the body. They are made from flower essences and crystal essences, which are infused with the energetic imprint of the plant or crystal. When taken orally or applied topically, these remedies help to balance and harmonize the energy field, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Flower essences work on the emotional body, while crystal essences work on the physical and spiritual bodies. They are gentle, safe, and effective, making them the perfect choice for body, mind, and spirit support.

Australian Bush Flower Essences

Australian Bush Flower essences can be used to address a variety of emotional issues, such as stress, anxiety, and depression. By working with the subtle energies of the flowers, these essences can help bring about a sense calm and balance to the mind and body.

Crystal Essences

Crystal essences are made by infusing the energy of a crystal into water, creating a potent elixir that can be ingested or applied topically. They're a gentle and effective way to support the body's natural healing processes.

Bespoke Blends

If you're looking for something made just for you, bespoke blends can be tailored to your specific emotional needs, providing you with the support you need to feel your best. 

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